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Sourdough Sandwich Bread

This sourdough bread is fantastic! Recipe makes 3 loaves.

Recipe from Amber’s Kitchen.

Ingredients for 3 loaves:

  • 2 1/2 c. warm water
  • 2 c. (400 g) active bubbly starter (stirred down to deflate air bubbles, then measured) 
  • 3/4 c. honey
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 c. melted coconut oil 
  • 1 TBSP salt
  • 8 to 8.5 c. all-purpose flour or bread flour

Ingredients for 1 loaf:

  • 6 2/3 oz. (200 g) warm water
  • 2/3 c. (133 g) active bubbly starter (stirred down to deflate air bubbles, then measured) 
  • 1/4 c. (72 g) honey
  • 1 generous TBSP beaten egg (30 g) or just use 1 egg
  • 2 TBSP melted coconut oil 
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 3 c. + 8 tsp. (375 g) all-purpose flour or bread flour


  1. Activate your starter by feeding it so you have a total volume of at least 2 c. When your starter is active, bubbly, and doubled in size after a feed, it’s time to start making the dough.
  2. In a large bowl combine 2 c. of active bubbly starter with the water, honey, oil, egg and salt. Mix gently to combine. 
  3. Add the flour one cup at a time, while mixing. When the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl, is tacky but doesn’t stick to your fingers then it has enough flour.
  4. Knead the dough for 5-15 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic. It may need a tad more flour if the dough hydrates while kneading. 
  5. Cover dough and rise until doubled in size. (*you can skip this first rise if needed, but for optimal fermentation and flavor, it’s favorable to keep it*)
  6. When the dough has doubled in size, dump it out onto a lightly floured surface and divide in three portions. Form into a tight oval and place each in a greased loaf pan. {loaf pan size: 1.5 quarts, 8×4 inches or 9×5 inches} 
  7. Cover dough and let rise until doubled a second time. This may take anywhere from 4-24 hours. Be patient and do not bake it unless it has risen! If it doesn’t rise then your starter may need some power feeds to strengthen it.
  8. Once it has doubled, bake at 375° F for 30-35 minutes. If the tops of your loaves are browning too much, you can lay a flat sheet of aluminum foil on top of the loaves. For convection oven start checking at 27 minutes. 
  9. Remove loaves from the oven, remove loaves from pans and let cool completely before slicing. 
  10. Store in plastic twist tie bags at room temp. Freeze loaves that won’t get eaten in 5 days. 

Sourdough Sandwich Bread:

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